We understand how daunting it can be transitioning to cloud – many are put off by the thought of the expected costs involved and the effort and disruption that goes with it. However, shifting to cloud can be a seamless and cost-effective experience.

This article highlights the pros and cons of traditional IT infrastructure Vs cloud, enabling you to make a better-informed decision before making the big move.

What is Traditional IT Infrastructure?

For years, traditional IT infrastructure was the only option. Traditional IT infrastructure is made up of physical hardware connected across a network, often administered by a server.  The server is usually stored on the business premises and is managed by the IT department or an outsourced provider.

What is Cloud?

Cloud is a generic term often referring to an offsite solution for providing application services and storing data. Companies can add and remove services, and scale storage as the business demands change. These services and storage are typically managed by a third-party provider.

The Pros and Cons of Traditional IT Infrastructure


  • The business has full control of the hardware and software in place, including associated security devices and software as it is administered by the in-house IT team  or outsourced IT department
  • Uptime – Traditional servers will not be affected by external factors, such as internet and connectivity issues


  • As the business grows and more people join the organisation, you will need to invest in extra hardware and license fees
  • Traditional servers require more capital expenditure, storage space and power consumption directly to the business 
  • The quality of hardware and servers will deteriorate over time, and it is recommended they are replaced every 3-7 years dependent upon the role
  • Your IT department will need to regularly perform software updates/upgrades
  • There will be a detrimental impact to the business if there was damage to the location of the server
  • Although data and services can be accessed out of office, it can be slow and quite complex to configure

The Pros and Cons of Cloud


  • As the business grows, you can simply just purchase additional storage space to suit your requirements on a pay as you go basis
  • Unlimited storage space available
  • No physical hardware is needed as information is stored in the cloud.
  • There is no need to worry about the security and maintenance as this is done by the third-party provider.
  • No fear of loss of data
  • Data can be accessed anytime and anywhere, giving you greater flexibility


The business loses some direct control as everything is managed and maintained by a third-party provider – although a decent service agreement will alleviate this concern


Every business is unique, and the service and storage needs should be evaluated individually. There is no right and wrong, and often a hybrid approach may be advantageous. As specialists in IT services and solutions, we have helped many companies transition some or all of their IT estate to the cloud. We would recommend reviewing all the pros and cons and seeing if cloud is the best solution for you. Just give us a call and we can advise you on the best option for you and help you kick start the process if you decide to go ahead with the cloud!

If you are not ready to completely switch to the cloud, enquire with our team about hybrid solutions.