We are now approaching July and the first busy month for Digital transmissions to HMRC; in this instance it will be for the April- June period.

In order for us to assist you in your Digital transmission, we have produced the checklist below:

  1. Have you registered with HMRC for Digital transmissions – if not and you need assistance please email contactus@minervauk.com. You should allow 3 days for this to complete.
  2. Have you been upgraded by Minerva to Exchequer Version 12.1? You can find this information in Exchequer under “Help”, then “About”. If not, please email contactus@minervauk.com.
  3. Decide who is going to lead your organisation for “Digital”. Please
    tell us their name along with their email address.
  4. Please confirm to us the exact names of your companies which will be transmitting digitally during July. Please note, we will need the names the HMRC have registered and they will all need individual registrations.

Once you have completed all of the above, we will be able to guide you through the setup of the Business Tax Portal (BTP), its integration with HMRC and the initial Digital Vat transmission.

Please note we will do this remotely with the appointed “Digital Lead“ you have chosen (see 3 above) and we will charge a minimum of two hours consultancy for this process.

We have already taken Minerva and an initial group of clients who were early adopters through the above process, so we are ready to assist.

The final deadline for this Direct Debit payment to HMRC is 07/08/2019 but you must allow a few days for that to be set up following your Digital transmission.

We look forward to hearing from you and helping you through this process.