Coronavirus Update

We wanted to update you with regards to Coronavirus and the
impact it could have on your business.

The UK is currently in the “Contain phase” and at present it’s
very unlikely that an employer will need to close their workplace.

Full guidance for employers and businesses can be found on the website:

Guidance to employers and businesses about covid-19

Details of what to expect across the UK can be found in the
Coronavirus action plan:

Coronavirus action plan – a guide to what you can expect

However you should be planning in case you do need to close temporarily, particularly if we move in to the “Delay phase”. Employees may also be advised to “self-isolate” at home if a confirmed case is identified in your workplace. 

There are lots of options available, so we would advise that you speak to your account manager to discuss your individual circumstances so that we can aid you with your Coronavirus contingency planning.

Minerva have business contingency plans in place to provide uninterrupted service to our customers.

If you have any questions, please contact us on 01707 607100 or email